Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our son and daughter-in-law are with us in England now

Peter and Su arrived here from Thailand today and are staying over here for a month. It is so good to see them! It's been a year since John and I have seen Peter, and this is Su's first trip to England - the first time we have ever met her in person. She is lovely!

Lot's of fun family outings are planned of course, and Peter and Su are going to stay in London for one week too.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disney-Pixar's Cars 2 is in UK cinemas now

It was released yesterday, a month after its US release. John and I really enjoy watching Pixar's films, especially last year's Toy Story 3, as well as the other computer animated films such as Shrek 4 from DreamWorks and Ice Age 3 from Blue-Sky. We'll probably wait until it comes out on DVD later in the year as we're not big fans of going to the cinema, although I am sure it will be excellent on a huge screen in 3D.

My son has a free online games website with some Lightning McQueen and Cars games in it, my favourites of which you can play below if you wish:

  Cars: Lightning McQueen's Desert Dash

  Cars: Tractor Tipping

  Cars: Radiator Springs Racing Demo

  Cars: Luigi and Guido's Tire Rush

  Cars: Luigi's Casa Della Tires

  Cars: Doc Hudson's Time Trial

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What is Charlie Sheen doing?

I've always loved Charlie Sheen's sitcom "Two and a Half Men", I think it is one of the greatest TV comedy programs of all time. But, like so many fans of the series, I am very sad to see what has happened to Charlie recently. It is terrible to see him go completely off the rails, though of course this isn't the first time he's done that, as this article highlights all too well:

Charlie Sheen's most disgraceful moments

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paper Mario World online games

With the recent release of the latest game in the series, there are now two Paper Mario World games in the website.

Based on Nintendo's "Super Paper Mario" game mixed with gameplay elements from "Super Mario World", both games are very hard, providing really tough challenges. You can try them for yourself by clicking on these handy links:

Paper Mario World 1 online game  Paper Mario World 1

Paper Mario World 2 online game  Paper Mario World 2